Fighting for our farmers, producers and consumers to create a better Georgia.

As a 7th generation farmer - who still uses his grandfather’s old tractor in the field - Tyler Harper understands the challenges that thousands of local- and family-owned farms face every day across our state. For Tyler, Georgia’s agricultural industry is not just an afterthought or a talking point - it’s been his entire livelihood since he was a young man, and he’s been fighting for Georgia’s farmers ever since. As Commissioner, Tyler will continue his work by pursuing a farmers-first agenda that prioritizes new funding and additional support for farms and agribusiness alike. He will expand the successful GEORGIA GROWN program – to increase community-based consumption and put more Georgia products on more shelves across the country. Tyler will work to ensure all of our state’s commodities—from timber to fruits and vegetables to traditional row crops, livestock, and poultry, as well as urban agricultural products—continue to thrive. He will fight overreaching, burdensome federal regulations like the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule. And most importantly, he will fight every day to champion, protect, and advance Georgia’s number one industry.
Better earnings for our farmers starts with a level playing field, which is exactly why Tyler Harper will emphasize as Agriculture Commissioner. He will work to eliminate unfair trade deals that put producers in Mexico and China ahead of producers in the United States. Georgia producers should never be subject to unfair federal regulation, or unfair tariffs and embargoes. Instead, Tyler will work with federal, private sector and non-profit partners to advocate on behalf of Georgia growers – and ensure truly free markets where Georgia’s farmers are competitive on a global scale.
Food security is a national security issue, and Tyler will work around the clock to ensure our meat, produce, and food supply in Georgia meets the highest quality and health standards. As Agriculture Commissioner, he will strengthen safety protocols and best practices, disseminate active and timely communications, and mitigate any potential issue in real time.
The greatest investment Georgia can make is in the next generation of agricultural leaders, technologies, and partnerships to continue expanding our state’s number one industry. As Commissioner, Tyler Harper will partner with schools and institutions of higher learning across the state to ensure that a cutting-edge, world-class agricultural education is available to students who want to learn the trade. In a climate of ever-changing technology, Georgia must also identify and cultivate emerging technologies and techniques that put Georgia farmers ahead of the curve. As Commissioner, Tyler will take the future of Georgia agriculture to the next level and keep Georgia farmers competitive and successful for generations to come.
Like every farmer, Tyler Harper understands how devastating natural disasters can be to a year’s crop – and how even a few days or weeks of recovery time can mean the difference between breaking even or going bankrupt. When disaster strikes, Tyler won’t stand for the slow-moving federal bureaucracy that takes months to deliver relief. Instead, Tyler will fight to cut red tape and establish strong connections with federal allies to secure federal funding – and deliver fast relief to those hit hardest.
As agribusiness technology continues to advance – and as Georgia producers continue to expand to the global market – Georgia’s farmers will need critical infrastructure like rural broadband and high-speed connectivity to remain competitive. As Commissioner, Tyler Harper will recommit the state of Georgia to expanding our state’s internet to even the most remote communities – from Bainbridge to Blue Ridge. By partnering with the private sector, securing federal funding, and taking advantage of existing infrastructure, Tyler will ensure that every Georgia farmer has access to the online tools that improve productivity and increase output.